Valeryia Strom

Senior Software Test Automation Engineer in JS

my photo


I’ve been working at EPAM Systems for 7 years.

First 3 years I worked as a Software Quality Engineer. I reached a Senior QA Position and in 2019 I participated in Rolling Scopes school (2019Q3), which is something quite important to me.

Despite the fact that I didn’t manage to complete the program, I gained a lot of useful knowledge, which helped me eventually move to Test Automation.

And now I do test automation in Javascript, and decided to try myself once again and participate in ongoing Rolling Scopes program.


Software Testing


Version Control


Technical skills

Code Examples

It was one of the tasks from RSS2019Q3

Implement function, that for given two numbers, presented as strings will return their product as string

                function multiply(first, second) {
                    let firstNumber = BigInt(first);
                    let secondNumber = BigInt(second);
                    let product = firstNumber * secondNumber;
                    return product.toString();

Courses and Education
